Laatste update op 8 May 2020

Venetië is full of extraordinary places that carry a story. This also the case for example for the Calle del Perdon. The word says it all: ‘Perdon’: here you can be granted a pardon for your sins. Now how did this happen?

At a corner in de street you will find a stone cross on the wall (see the featured image). You can cleary see that it has been touched on numerous occassions, because the stone is shiny and kind of worn. It has a bit of a different colour compared to the wall itself. This is how that could happen. In 1177 emperor Barbarossa as well as pope Alexander III stayed in Venice. The pope had fled to Venice, running from the emperor, taking refuge at the Calle del Perdon. A great accomplishment by Doge Sebastiano Ziani was reconciliation between the two: Barbarossa finally recognised Alexander III as pope. This event is known as the Peace of Venice.

Calle del Perdon Madonna with child, Venice

Calle del Perdon Madonna with child, Venice

It is being said that the pope stayed incognito in Venice at the corner of Calle del Perdon and the Sotoportego de la Madonna. In remembrance of his stay, an inscription in wood can be found above the sotoportego. Above that you can find a Madonna with child. The pop anted plenary indulgence to anybody who says one Our Father and one Hail Mary while standing at the sotoportego.



Calle del Perdon

Calle del Perdon

Many people touch the stone cross on the corner when passing.

When you walk throught the small street, expect this (the sotoportego with Madonna and child to your right when approaching the cross):


Calle del Perdon, Venicewiki
San Polo, hidden corners

Calle del Perdon

Calle del Perdon


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