Laatste update op 8 May 2020



Almost every photo you find at this site were made by me. A few images I gathered through Wikipedia and stocksites as The images of paintings I use, belong to the public domain. If you want to learn more about the public domain, read my post about copyright. Where necessary and possible I have asked permission from the original author and I mention the source, for text as well as images. In this post I list the sources I use(d) to gather or complete information.


When I roamed the internet, I found many interesting and extensive websites, offering information about church, bibly, symbolic, art, literature, etc. Sometime the sites are individual initiatives, sometimes a small non-profit organisation provides information. The amount of information given is a silent confirmation of enourmous passion for art and culture. The quality of information is often amazing. Astonished that so many people share their knowledge for free, I consumed the impressive, library-worthy information flow. These are the most important sites I use.

About Venice


About Willem de Mérode

  •, Helma de Boer, digitaal informatiecentrum (vanaf 1996)
  •, Hans Werkman, persoonlijke schrijverswebsite (vanaf 2010)
  •, Helma de Boer, Venice in the trail of Willem de Mérode (paintings, art, places and persons linked to the poems of Willem de Mérode)



  • Bijbelse Encyclopedie, Uitgeverij Kok, Kampen (2010)
  • Hans Werkman, Verzamelde Gedichten, delen I en II (1987)
  • Hans Werkman, De Mérode en de jongens, de Prom, Baarn (1991)
  • Hans Werkman, De wereld van Willem de Mérode, Uitgeverij De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam (1983)
  • Hans Werkman. (2011). Bitterzoete overvloed. De wereld van Willem de Mérode. Amersfoort/Soesterberg: Uitgeverij ASPEKt.
  • Stefano Zuffi, Duizend jaar schilderkunst, Waanders Uitgevers, Zwolle (2004)
  • Marion Kaminski, Kunst & architectuur Venetië, Tandem Verlag GmbH (2005)
  • Hans Werkman, Bitterzoete overvloed, Aspekt, (2011)
  • Michelin, De Groene Gids, Venetië, Michelin Reisuitgaven (2000)
  • Thomas Mann, De dood in Venetië, Arbeiderspers (…)
  • Insight Pocket Guide, Venetië, Uitgeverij Cambium B.V. (Apa Publications (HK) Ltd. 1994)
  • Kentering (Wim Hazeu), “Bewaar mij voor den waanzin van het recht” , Nijgh & Van Ditmar (1971)
  • Stephen Little, “Kunst begrijpen“, Librero b.v.(2010)
  • Lekturama B.V. Wereldgeschiedenis, Christoph Columbus Verlags A.G. (1980)
  • Matilde Battistini, Symbolen en allegorieën, Ludion, Gent-Amsterdam (2004)
  • Robert Cumming, Kunst – schilderijen, beeldhouwwerken, artiesten, stijlen, scholen. Unieboek, Houten (2006)
  • Eric Strijbos, Venetië. Dominicus Stedengidsen. Gottmer, Amsterdam (2007)

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