(Nederlands) Pietro Tradonico en de dogemuts
Laatste update op 18 November 2017Sorry, this entry is only available in Nederlands.
Laatste update op 18 November 2017Sorry, this entry is only available in Nederlands.
Laatste update op 18 November 2017Sorry, this entry is only available in Nederlands.
Laatste update op 8 May 202015 February 1564 Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Italy (1564-1642). You probably know the town from the tilted tower. According to the Dutch Observatory (Volkssterrenwacht) Galileo was a brilliant theoreticus amongst other things as a skilled inventor, an experimental instrument builder and a meticulous Read more…
Laatste update op 8 May 2020Sorry, this entry is only available in Nederlands.
Laatste update op 18 November 2017Sorry, this entry is only available in Nederlands.
Laatste update op 5 August 2021Sorry, this entry is only available in Nederlands.
Laatste update op 5 August 2021Sorry, this entry is only available in Nederlands.
Laatste update op 18 November 2017Sorry, this entry is only available in Nederlands.
Laatste update op 18 November 2017Sorry, this entry is only available in Nederlands.
Laatste update op 8 May 2020La Fenice is a well-known opera building in Venice. They could not have come up with a better name, as the theatre really rose from its ashes twice. The building was officially opened at 16th May 1792. In both 1836 and 1996 it burned to Read more…
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