Laatste update op 8 May 2020

When you visit Venice, you wil undoubtedly see a bride somewhere in the city. A sight that cannot be overlooked. Soms Venetians estimate that there are over 50 brides per day in the city during the warm months. Venice is not the city of lovers by coincidence.

bruidje onderweg voor fotoshoot

bruidje onderweg voor fotoshoot

Of course most of these brides did not get married in Venice. Often they are not even married the day you spot them: they simply want that romantic look in their wedding pics. Whatever, those brides give tourists good photo opportunities.

This bride simply made her way into the city by vaporetto to make some lovely photo’s. She was probably married already, elsewhere. Venetians, of course, go with their own boats, or even better: by watertaxi.

During my stay in Venice in September, I spotted at least two actual Venetian weddings.

Categories: typical venice

1 Comment

Maria ten Hoeve · Wednesday March 3rd, 2021 at 10:14 AM

Het is mij ook opgevallen inderdaad, toen ik in Venetië was. Een prachtige en romantische stad, ik zou daar ook wel ooit willen trouwen op een boot bijvoorbeeld. Nu nog een knappe Italiaan vinden…

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