Laatste update op 8 May 2020

This church dates back to the 7th century. According to the myth, Maria appeared to a bishop (bishop Saint Magno), disguised as a voluptueus lady (hence “formosa”>. Maria told that a church had to be built at the spot that a white cloud would show, and thus happened.

The English Wikipedia states that the church was built by the architect Codussi in 1491, bu this is not completely accurate, as he merely rebuilt the church. In 1921 another round of rebuilding was done as the church was badly damaged as a result of bombing during the First Worldwar in 1916. In the church you will find paintings of Palma il Vecchio and Vivarini.

Annual visit of the Doge

The Santa Maria Formosa played an important role in the annual celebration of Candlemas in February. The altar of the scuola of the so-called “casselleri”, the makers of money-boxes, geldkistenmakers was in this church. The annual procession of the Doge to this church is a tribute to their heroic actions in the year 943, when they returned 12 virgin brides and their dowry to Venice, kidnapped by pirates, read The feast of the Venetian brides. Sindsdien bezochten bruiden en doge voortaan ieder jaar de Chiesa Santa Maria Formosa.

Ugly monster

On the wall of the building a horrific relief can be spotted. John Ruskin wrote about this ugly head, saying he found it repulsive, unhumane. I am not a fan either, but see for yourselve:

Santa Maria Formosa Creature Venice

Santa Maria Formosa Creature Venice

Representations of monsters were often used out of superstition that these horrible heads would expel evil.



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