Laatste update op 18 November 2017

A fine example of Filippo Calendario’s sculpture abilities is decorating the south corner of the doges palace. The sculpture tells the story of Noah’s drunkenness. It can best be seen from the Ponte di Paglia.

Noah lands the ark, plants a vineyard, gets drunk off its wine, lays around naked in his tent. In the sculpture Noah spills wine from his cup. Two of the sons of Noah are depicted, one of them (Ham) making a fool of his father, trying to uncover his nakedness by removing the cloth. This results in a curse over Canaan. For jews and early christians this story is an explication of the spreading of people around the globe.

Silly detail: Filippo Calendario was executed in 1355 as accessory to a conspiracy of doge Marino Falierio .


De wijnstok

Aan uwen sterken muur gestut,
Voor allen guren tocht beschut,

O God, laat dragen
In zuivre lucht,
Mij eedle vrucht,
Naar uw behagen.

Gij, die de winden hebt geluwd,
Uw zoetheid in mijn vrucht gestuwd,
Warm gouden zeemen,
Zoodat de hand
Bevende brandt,
Om haar te nemen,

Kom zelven tot uw rijpende aard,
De bonte en bleeke najaarsgaard,
Zij toeft uw stonde.
En laat mijn wijn
Geheven zijn
Ten uwen monde.

Uit: De overgave, geschreven op 29 november 1917.

Dronkenschap van Noach

Dronkenschap van Noach


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